Thursday, April 16, 2009

A Little Less Tapering

In the past, I'd start cutting my mileage in half starting three weeks out. That would mean 25 miles this week. But as I've stated in previous posts, I'll be tapering differently as an experiment. I figure my mileage this week will be in the low 40's. The following week I'm planning to do 30's, and finally, something in the teens the week before. I haven't logged the miles this early season for a drastic taper, and I don't want to go through the physical aches of mileage withdrawal that can knock my confidence.

My running this week has been really easy. I did a Tabata set yesterday in between easy miles. Did core workouts and stretching this evening. Tomorrow, I plan to run some pace miles during lunch. Saturday, doing a long run of 16. Sunday will be a race in the park.

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