Saturday, December 19, 2009

Only 10 more days of P90X!

It's not the workouts that have tired me. I've enjoyed fighting for every pull-up. It's the foods I've had to avoid. (Read: carbs!!) I don't think I'll go back to my old ways of eating and running everything off like I did when marathon training. I'm enjoying fueling up with "clean" energy. I just miss the freedom of having desserts and snacks whenever I want.

As far as the workouts are concerned, I think I've seen most of the physical transformation happen in the second half of the 3mo commitment. Not sure, but will be sure to break it down when I'm completely done with the program. It will also be interesting to compare fit test numbers before and after the program.

On the running front, I've effectively shut it down the rest of this decade. Might go for a couple of other easy miles in Central Park, but I'm just waiting for the year to be over before I start training for Boston.

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