Sunday, March 29, 2009

Thoughts About My Weekend Long Run

Sitting in the train and looking at the crummy weather this morning, I'm thankful that I did my long run Saturday afternoon. I wasn't really anticipating this cold and damp morning.

I did my longest run yesterday at just over 22 miles
. I didn't feel quite as fresh at the start of the run, and that's usually a signal that I'd be sore towards the end. Was I ever right. I wanted to stop at 20 but decided that I could leg out 2 more. It was just boring to run by myself. I figured I just had to go for about 3+ hrs. I got home after about 4 hrs because I decided to stop at the Fairway Market on 74th and then ran up to Fairway Market at 125th St.

As for the run itself, the first 10 miles was in Central Park. The West Side Hwy stretch from 74th to 125th was long, boring, windy and seemingly forever even though it was only 2.5mi. By mile 16, I stiffened up pretty good. Thankfully I expected it.

I've been trying to develop a habit of icing my legs and lower back after long runs this season and I think it's paying off the day after. I definitely don't feel very sore today and I'm able to enjoy a relaxing day at a friend pace.

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