'Til the NJ marathon. That's not much time to do long runs so I figured I had to get my first 20+ miler done today. That should leave me with 3 or maybe 4 more long runs depending on how I feel doing consecutive weekends with 20+ mile runs. The route I ran today was fairly flat after the hills in Inwood Park, which is good because the NJ race is flat. I won't say it was an easy run. I ran with a friend for the from about mile 2-10 so that was pleasant. After that, it was a matter of grinding out the miles. My body is definitely not marathon race ready. I ran really easy to reintroduce long mileage to my system. In the end, I avg'ed about 9 mins/mile. The good thing about that is that I'm not really sore tonight.
Anyways, I got to thinking about how I'll be treating this race. I think I'm just going to do the best that I can with the flat course. At this stage, I don't think I could break 3:15. I'll see where I am in 9 weeks. If running the flat west side today is any indication, I may have an outside shot. If not, I'm in early preparation for the NYC marathon, which is definitely a good thing.
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