As thankful as I am, it's hard to believe it's already March. Winter marathon training is never much fun so I can't wait for spring to officially arrive.
With February in the books, I am now 2/3 done with my Boston training. My February mileage was as follows:
Total: 151.80 miles
Not very high mileage, but there were more quality miles in there. Did about two speed workouts per week and longest long run of about 19 miles. I think February will serve as a perfect springboard for a March of what I plan to be very challenging training month before tapering. It'll be challenging in the following ways:
- maintain two quality speed sessions /wk
- planned long runs will be 20 (3/7), 22 (3/14), 20(3/21), 23(3/28)
- maintain fitness gained from P90X (core, upper body)
- clean energy from a better diet by drastically reducing refined sugar intake - this one might be the hardest
- every week should have 5 or 6 days running
Hopefully this training will bring me to a new marathon PR in Boston.
Sweet mileage! 2 speed workouts per week - wow. Any hill workouts? Happy to meet you on Twitter and follow your progress. Good luck in Boston!
Yep, 1 of 2 speed workouts is done on hills. Great to "meet" you as well and good luck on your training goals. What's your goal race?
Good way to combine the two (hill & speed) workouts into one. I wish we had hills in Chicago (and I don't belong to a gym, so no TM for me). My goal race is the Chicago Marathon. I'm using a few half marathons & 10-milers for the build-up. I'm also running SF Marathon mainly for the experience. Here's to a great running & racing year!
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