Monday, March 1, 2010

2/3 Done - February totals

As thankful as I am, it's hard to believe it's already March. Winter marathon training is never much fun so I can't wait for spring to officially arrive.

With February in the books, I am now 2/3 done with my Boston training. My February mileage was as follows:

Total: 151.80 miles

Not very high mileage, but there were more quality miles in there. Did about two speed workouts per week and longest long run of about 19 miles. I think February will serve as a perfect springboard for a March of what I plan to be very challenging training month before tapering. It'll be challenging in the following ways:

  • maintain two quality speed sessions /wk
  • planned long runs will be 20 (3/7), 22 (3/14), 20(3/21), 23(3/28)
  • maintain fitness gained from P90X (core, upper body)
  • clean energy from a better diet by drastically reducing refined sugar intake - this one might be the hardest
  • every week should have 5 or 6 days running

Hopefully this training will bring me to a new marathon PR in Boston.


Chanthana said...

Sweet mileage! 2 speed workouts per week - wow. Any hill workouts? Happy to meet you on Twitter and follow your progress. Good luck in Boston!

DailyRunner said...

Yep, 1 of 2 speed workouts is done on hills. Great to "meet" you as well and good luck on your training goals. What's your goal race?

Chanthana said...

Good way to combine the two (hill & speed) workouts into one. I wish we had hills in Chicago (and I don't belong to a gym, so no TM for me). My goal race is the Chicago Marathon. I'm using a few half marathons & 10-milers for the build-up. I'm also running SF Marathon mainly for the experience. Here's to a great running & racing year!