Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hello World! Read about my trials as I try for the Boston Marathon!

Hello World is an apt intro today since I'm an application developer by profession, and all day long I've been trying to get my Hello World application to run with Flex and mx:RemoteObject. But this is not about programming.

I've been running since my then fiance suggested we do a triathlon to get in shape for our wedding. I begrudgingly obliged, and have found myself hooked to triathlons and now road races. More on that later. I found out about 3 years ago that I needed to run a specific time to qualify for the Boston Marathon, so I thought I'd give it a go. My qualifying time then was 3:10:00. It'll be 3:15:00 this year. Obviously I have not done it yet since I'm now blogging about this.

I'm blogging about this now so that I can look back at my efforts and laugh or even cry months or years down the road. I've had many ups, and more recently, downs when it comes to my running life, and I hope to relive them later. Along the way, I'd also love to hear other runner's experiences.

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