Swim - 1.2 miles - 37m50s (rank: 521 of 553 finishers)
One of the main reasons why I agreed to sign up for triathlon was because I knew I could use a wetsuit. I'm a weak swimmer, and without something to help me stay afloat, I'm at the river bottom. In fact, two weeks out, I had an anxiety attack during a river practice swim when my feet lost touch of ground. Pool sessions with my wife and a lake swim with colleagues helped me to gather enough confidence to know that I would at least survive. On race day, I was member of the final wave to start the race. RK started 15 minutes ahead of me, and EH and EM 5 minutes.

The turnaround buoy came unexpectedly quickly so I was expecting the same on the swim back. The Hudson made sure I experienced otherwise. I felt like I was swimming in place for a while trying to reach the first return buoy. I had to get on my back a couple of times to relax and also called on to a kayaker for assistance. The lifeguard threw me a rubber noodle to help keep me afloat. It was nice to hear the encouraging voice of another human. When I resumed the swim, I noticed that I was by myself. Other swimmers were about 20 yds to my right, and my oxygen deprived brain thought they were all off course. They were swimming straight for the finishing chute. I was going for buoys that had started to drift off line. I put a little more effort to reach the next few markers and eventually made it on shore. I saw a friend at the finish chute and I remember exclaiming, "I'm alive!" I was so thankful to be out of the water.
Transition 1 - 3m47s (363 of 553)
I really wanted to get on my knees and kiss the sand once out of the water, but I had some people to chase down. I jogged lightly instead to the transition area to get some blood into my legs and on the way, took advantage of the wetsuit helpers who helped me out of it in record time. There were still a few bikes remaining at the corral. I turned on my Garmin, watered my feet clean of sand and mud, put on my socks and biking shoes, chugged down a bottle of Gatorade, pocketed four energy bars, put on my helmet and shades, and jogged out of T1 with my bike.
Bike - 2h58m38s (152 of 553)
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Bike elevation profile |
The ride to the next turnaround seemed to take a while. There were no mile markers so I wasn't sure how far I had gone, and my Garmin 305 was in back tri-suit pocket, which didn't seem to like holding its contents. More on that shortly. I made sure to keep drinking, grabbing a new bottle of Gatorade every time I passed the bottle exchange. In fact, I think I may have over-hydrated. Along the way, a couple of energy bars slipped out of my pocket, and my Garmin fell out twice. I lost at least a couple of mins to stop, turnaround, and pickup the darned thing. Regardless, I was making up time on the bike each time I crossed EM. I unknowingly passed EH because he was having some mechanical issues, and saw RK on the bike course only once. I thought he was too far ahead to catch, but I was going to try anyways.
There were two things I was proudest about on the bike segment. First, I wasn't passed on the bike, except when I had to turn around to pick up my Garmin. But I passed those riders again. Second, without maximum effort, I hit 47.4 mph. Woot! It's been my goal to hit 50+mph and I think I should be able to with my race wheels. About half a mile from the bike finish, I saw EM run by. With the transition, I was just about 5 minutes behind EM. We were about tied at this point, but I really wanted to catch him. Then maybe RK.
Transition 2 - 2:16 (174 of 553)
I mentioned earlier that I thought I may have over-hydrated on the bike, so one of the more important decisions I had to make was, "do I take a potty break?" I glanced at the portapotties but decided to proceed to the run. I thought I'd sweat it out. I waited a few agonizing seconds for my Garmin 405 to catch signal after I put on my running shoes, grabbed a couple of Gu gels, and off I went. I was frustrated about the Garmin slipping out of my pocket near the finish and wanted to make up the time.
Run - 1:49:07 (105 of 553)
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Run Profile |
A minute into the run, I quickly came to terms that the bike segment took robbed my legs of any running spring. I was reduced to a quick shuffle. A couple of other tests for power confirmed there was no juice. So be it. A couple of minutes later, I needed to water some plants. I was annoyed about adding time to my run and losing time to catch EM and RK.

The run about-face was roughly a mile after reaching the top of the dam. From the top, I kept looking for EM at every turn. If I saw him, I thought I had a chance to pass him. If not, he was having a great day on the run and I might lose the bet. Finally, about 300 yards from the turnaround, I saw him coming towards me. Great! I was closer than I thought. It helps to have rabbits to chase. I estimated the difference to be 3 minutes.
About 2 miles later, on one of the painful downhills, I came across EH who yelled to me, "EM is 40 seconds ahead. Go get my donuts!" Gladly! (EH was also in the bet, but he was betting on me). I finally caught up to EM on a steep incline. Next was RK, but I really was not sure how far ahead he was. Along the way, I really appreciated all the water stops and the volunteers along the course. Parents and their children were eager to hand out water, Gatorade, Coke and gels. I made sure to sip at every station, but stayed with water because I was tired of Gatorade.
A mental systems check at mile 10 told me my vessel was breaking down. Nonsense! I wanted to pick up the pace for the last 5k. In the battle of mind vs. body, this time, body won. My pace crawled up to over 8 mins/mile and was passed by two people 1 mile from the finish line. I pushed, but just couldn't get the motor running any faster. In retrospect, I attribute it to lack of run training and less so the blisters under my feet.
Crossing the finish line, I was more relieved than ecstatic. I could finally stop moving. And 10 steps from the finish line, I practically inhaled the best slice of pizza ever. Timing is everything. I imagine a juicy, salty ribeye would have been just as good, but definitely not cost effective.
Wrapup - Finishing time 5:31:37 (rank 177 of 553)
This race is aptly named. 3,225ft of elevation change on the bike and another 681ft on the run makes sure every competing athlete is challenged. I could have been smarter in choosing a flatter course for my first half IM effort, but it's always a lot more fun to race with friends. About the only thing I found unpleasant were the bees choosing to swarm around me exclusively over anyone else. Otherwise, given that this was my first 70.3 effort, I was very pleased with the entire experience and looking forward to the next triathlon, whenever that may be.
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