Sunday, January 27, 2013

Hello 2013!

Been out of commission recovering, and still not fully recovered) from the last race.  Can't believe it's taken months, but I guess it comes with age...damn the hamstring tendinitis.  Still, I think the knees are healthy enough now for me to start logging a few miles.  And since I was marathon free last year, I'm eager to start training again.

Goal Race
In early August last year, my younger brother and his wife had their first child, and I was excited to visit the new addition for my siblings just before the Toughman Tri.  I'm excited to make another trip, not only to visit family, but also San Francisco Marathon on Jun 16, my goal race for the year.  There's a little bit of apprehension in training for a marathon again since I've been out of practice for more than a year.  My big audacious goal?  3:10:00.  I want to requalify for Boston.

Goal stated, I'm not quite sure if I'll be able to accomplish.  But the time off has generated enough appetite for me to train harder.  And if 3:10 is my new BQ, I'll have to train harder than I'll ever have.  I'm slightly out of shape (+ 5lbs), but that should bring more fun to the climb.  Game on.

On a side note, I've restarted my photo a day project for the year to get acquainted with my new gear, a Nikon D600  :-D    Will be posting new photos along the way.